Flying Kite & a Curious Child

life lessons, life skills, short reads

“Dad, why are you pulling the kite down,
won’t it fly high, if you just cut the string?”
Little Eddie mumbled.

“It doesn't work that way my boy,
the tension in the string transforms
to give the kite strength, to face air resistance,
which in turn, creates an upward drag,
and the kite flies high.”
Explains Frank, like a scientist.

“Dad, I don't get it,
I am going downstairs to play my video game,
Good Luck, with yours.”

It dawns on to Frank,
Is it not the same with life?
We always keep complaining,
setbacks, negativity, challenges,
struggles, failures, rejections, insufficiencies,
as if we only see the universe conspiring,
not for us, but against us, all the time!

What if it had actually been the other way around,
The universe trying to help us, help us to fly high,
over and above our sorrows, insecurities and the vulnerabilities.
And all we have to do is keep ourselves strong and face the adversities,
like the kite facing strongly, the air resistance.
Knowing, believing and trusting that,
we have entrusted our string in some greater force,
which will definitely lift us up,
like the upward air drag on the kite.

And only Faith & Perseverance, being asked of us.
