Isochronic Tones - An atypical approach towards Meditation & Relaxation

     Music in its various forms has played a major role throughout the history of mankind. Music has been an art, entertainment & played a prominent role in rituals, traditions and cultures. Several scientific studies have proved therapeutic benefits of Music.
Music is the healing power of the universe
     There is a form of meditation called mantra meditation where in you keep repeating a mantra for some time and it induces meditative effects. This works in two ways:

  1. It blocks incessant thoughts.
  2. The repeated listening to this audio sound alters the brain waves, thereby inducing therapeutic effects.
      Now in order to achieve these altered brain states with much lesser effort and not having yourself to isolate, there is a method called brain wave entrainment.

Brain wave Entrainment
   Brain wave entrainment is a method to stimulate the brain into entering specific states of consciousness. It makes use of a rhythmic, periodically repeating external stimuli, most commonly auditory, coupled with visual sometimes. These pulses of stimuli synchronize the brain waves to the frequency of the pulse / beat.
    Brain wave entrainment essentially uses Frequency Following Response (FFR) of the Brain, i.e. when our brain presented with an external stimulus like an isochronic tone of a specific frequency, synchronizes dominant brain wave frequency along side with it.
  This mechanism is used to induce many brainwave states; such as trance, enhanced focus, relaxation, meditation or sleep induction.
    This concept is not new, it was first identified in 1665 and probably would have been existent in different forms even before.
   There are number of different methods of brain wave entrainment, and isochronic tones are considered to be the most effective form of audio entrainment.

Isochronic Tones

    Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone which are more distinct and result in stronger ‘cortical response’ of the brain. They generate more effective stimulation and normally do not need head phones.
isochronic tones are considered to be the most effective form of brain wave entrainment

     For example, when we are stressed or anxious about something, our dominant brain wave activity will be of higher beta frequency. During this time if our brain is stimulated with lower frequencies, the dominant brain synchronizes with this and makes us calm & relaxed.
     As discussed before isochronic tones can be used to induce brain wave states depending upon the frequency used:
Isochronic tones, delta waves, theta waves, alpha waves

Beta Waves, Gamma Waves

How to use Isochronic tones:

    Isochronic tones can be used as supplement to enhance the result or outcome and should not be misinterpreted as a replacement to medicines or prescription drugs. They offer a chemical / drug free supplementary effect to help improve overall health outcomes.
   Isochronic tones are available as apps on Google Play store and also in various online formats, websites / YouTube. Please make sure of the source and scrutinise for the authenticity, before using.
   Normally headphones are not required but usage of headphones may enhance the stimulation and however few advanced version of isochronic tones with more specific intended purposes might need headphones.
  The level of volume needs to be optimum for you, start with mid volume and adjust to lower or higher as you feel comfortable & stimulating enough.
 Isochronic tones can be coupled with other music or ambient nature sounds to make it comfortable to listen.  You can also listen to isochronic tones alone depending on your comfortability of listening. You can also change the background music occasionally to prevent brain habituation.
  The lasting effects after a session may differ from individual to individual but on an overall note we can say, it lasts for a few hours.

   Isochronic tones and brain wave entrainment are regarded as safe to use.
   Everyone reacts differently and you need to determine your sensitivity. Initially start with 10 to 15 mins and adjust accordingly. Don’t overdo it. Vast majority of people have no ill effects of using this, but if you happen to experience any unwanted effects, discontinue it immediately.
