Existential Crisis, a reality seemingly unreal

         Contrary to the meaning the words “existential crisis” suggests, there is no crisis to the existence of the individual involved, in a physical sense. But this term goes much deeper to refer to the crisis at the level of soul. It in fact signifies a crisis your soul is having and the physical manifestations of that crisis is a cry for help to yourselves.
you cannot fool your soul
     You are happy with your life, happy with all the things you have, your success, your achievements, your material possessions. All make you proud. Well until one day, which comes out of nowhere, your life still the same as the previous day but you encounter a pain, distress which is deep. You try to find a reason for this pain, because our physical materialistic world has taught us, there has to be a cause for the effect which is debilitating you.
         You desperately want to know what has happened. What struck you down? Why are you feeling the way you feel. No matter how many reasons you try to justify for your suffering. You deep down know those are just the superficial justifications, just to fool yourself and others. While the real cause lies deep, you are left writhing in pain and suffering, which is very difficult to explain.
      The term existential crisis does not refer to your physical crisis, crisis of poverty or crisis in obtaining the basic necessities of life. All your basic necessities are directly or indirectly being met; this is not which concerns you. But there is something deep to be understood.
       We in our race to achieve the success in life often forget that whatever we call success, is nothing but material success and we totally disregard our soul; The necessities and requisites at the soul level.
We are also encountered by situations where people say, they are on the good path, they have not done anything wrong, have helped numerous people in their distress, gave jobs to thousands, regularly give charities and what not.
       Then what is that inner turmoil, the feeling that you are failing, in spite of doing all the best and good you can.
feeling of failing, in spite of doing your best
           Here what we need to comprehend is we are spiritual beings and we have a ‘Human Body’ here on earth, our purpose of life and for that matter indicators of success could actually be totally different from what we perceive them to be.
           Let us suppose you are a king of some country A and you are responsible for the wellbeing and progress of its citizens. But however you are more keen towards some other country B and you have done all you could to develop and help the citizens of country B. And you are pretty much successful at this. Inadvertently you have always neglected your primary subjects of country A. Then one fine day when there is someone pointing this at you, you fail see the disappointment of your countrymen.
           The point being suggested here is no matter how good you perform in an area which is not your primary concern, it is all but waste. The problem here is our failure to understand our indicators of performance.
             We are here on earth for some specific purpose, we are here on earth as an instrument of God, and we have made a promise with God which we need to adhere to. This purpose is unique to every soul and it has to do with spiritual Gifts, inherent natural talents, skills given by God to each and every soul. No soul comes to earth without a Gift and a specific purpose aligned with that Gift. Existential crisis is a call from your soul telling that you are failing to listen; you are not heeding its instructions. And it is a reminder to stop you from going too far, your soul wants you to stop before it’s too late.
            Irony of humans is that happiness, joy & blessings fail to make a registry to us. But Pain is something we cannot simply disregard. Thus pain is used as a tool by our subconscious to make its point.
existential crisis is a reminder as to there is more to life
              The soul with the evident crisis, awakens us spiritually and sets us on a journey which slowly puts us in touch with our true selves and our true purpose, which is unique to each and every soul.
               Our true purpose, our spiritual mission on earth will be known only when we are ready and when our subconscious soul is convinced with our true commitment. It is made know to us through our subconscious mind, people call it intuition, true self, higher self, higher conscious etc.
                The key is to listen to it and adhere to your spiritual purpose, disregarding the chatter, confusion, doubt, fear and logic of our physical limited mind.
